When God opens a door in front of you, you have two choices!
- Ignore it, or
- Walk through it!
Back in the nineteen seventies God showed me a vision for the healing ministry. At the time, walking through such a door seemed an impossibility. But when you are compelled by the Love of God, impossibilities become realities. And, in time, those first steps of faith led to the establishment of Ellel Grange and God then took the work around the world.
One thing I have learned in this new season of my life is that Romans 11:29 is true! “God’s gifts and callings are irrevocable.” Which simply means that you don’t lose the gifts God gave you and that throughout life it is your calling and responsibility to practice them.
So, when God showed me a new door marked Gates of Hope International, I knew that I would only be able to ignore it by saying ‘No’ to God (not a good idea!) and denying the way God has worked previously in my life. So I pushed on the door, it opened and I walked through it.
Little did I know that this would lead so quickly to many more more doors! One of these opened directly into the Middle East. While I have worked with believers in Israel for many years, it has been a dynamic new experience to see how The Shepherd is not only calling to His sheep in the land of Israel (the sons of Isaac), but is stirring the hearts of the Sons of Ishmael, right across the Arab world, as Scripture foretells:
“So the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians . . . they will turn to the Lord and he will resond to their pleas and heal them” (from Isaiah 19:21,22)
But getting to those whose spirits are being stirred by visions of Jesus is not easy and our GOHI leaders in the region are urgently needing to have a set of bilingual teaching videos on evangelism, healing and discipleship, in Arabic and English, which they can post online and take with them to teaching and training opportunities throughout the Middle East.
So, in faith, I pushed on this particular door
and we have invited Arab leaders from across the Middle East to come to a special five day training course, which we will video to a professional standard and then release right across the Arabic speaking, largely Muslim, world!
This is an incredible vision and opportunity – and while it has never been my intention to use my Blog for fund-raising, God has opened this vital and urgent door, and the opportunity is so great that I am taking the risk of asking you to help with covering the essential costs of putting the course on, recording it in high quality video and making it available throughout the Middle East in every possible way.
In total, we only need about £5000. This is a relatively small amount to achieve so much. We have pushed open the door, God is making it possible and I pray that some of you will be willing and able to make a contribution towards making it happen.
To make a donation now, please go to:
You can read more about what God is already doing through GOHI in the Middle East here:
Copyright © Peter Horrobin 2024.
Peter Horrobin is the Founder of Gates of Hope International. To find out more about the work please go to www.gatesofhopeinternational.com or, in its abbreviated ‘Go-High’ form: www.gohi.world
To receive regular updates about the work of GOHI, please register your name and email address on the website. We are currently investing greatly in the work in the Middle East, in both Israel and the Arab world, helping to rebuild the walls and restore the gates.
You can share in supporting this precious work by giving to GOHI online through the website. Anything you can do to help will be deeply appreciated. To make a donation now, please go to: www.gohi.world/give-serve/
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Thanks Ann
Will do
Dear Peter/Team
I would like to be on the Israel prayer team but can’t find the relevant email where you gave Steve’s details. Could someone please pass this on. I was part of the Ellel Israel prayer team. Thanks: anncolenutt@gmail.com
Hello Peter,
Thank you for your invitation to be brave and to dare something.
The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice 1 Samuel 15:22.
When serving the house of the Lord, you have to constantly review your investments. Some have the courage to say where the money should go and others give it there. 2 Chronicles 34:10.
My wish and that of all of us is to be obedient. It is difficult, but God is the one who rewards. Obedience makes you strong and gives life and fruit. Ezra 9:11-12
Thank you Peter for the encouragement!!!