David and Goliath

1 Samuel 17:45, NIV
David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied’.

As we stand back from the story of ‘small boy slays huge giant’, we can see that this is a picture of Jesus winning the victory over Satan. He too was ‘despised and rejected by men’ (Isaiah 53:3), but nevertheless He went ahead and finished the job to be done.

As David undertook his assignment against Goliath he became the representative for Israel. Israel’s present and future rested in David. At that moment David ceased to be merely an individual. He had put his trust in the God of the Covenant. Whatever the outcome was to be, whether victory or defeat, it affected everyone there. David represented Israel as an Israelite, but, more than that, he had also become God’s representative.

Jesus was truly God and yet truly man. He represented mankind on the cross when he bore the sins of us all. The future of the human race and its salvation rested on Jesus. When Jesus defeated the ‘giant’ Satan, He was the representative for man but also for God. Jesus completed the job and declared ‘It is finished’. The once-and-for-all sacrifice for sin established the New Covenant in His blood. Mankind can now enter into a covenant relationship with God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Son. Jesus is the representative who totally fulfils every promise of God. He fulfils the Covenant of God’s love. And he invites you to be a beneficiary of His Covenant love! What amazing grace!!

Prayer: Father God, I want to thank You today for the truth that You initiated the New Covenant of Your love and mercy to me. Thank You that I’m in Covenant relationship with You, through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Thank You for all that this means. Amen.

What are Your Giants? – Teaching CD

Living the Life – Book by Peter Horrobin

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