God is faithful

Hebrews 10:23, NIV
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”

The faithfulness of God is one aspect of His character that I find particularly reassuring. The world today is full of uncertainty and is constantly changing, yet despite it all Jesus Christ remains the same. He is our rock, the firm foundation on which we can build our lives. His plans and His Word stand firm forever and while the world that we live in will eventually pass away, His words will never pass away.

His character doesn’t change. His truth doesn’t change. His purposes don’t change. He’s our covenant keeping God, and He keeps ALL His promises! As long as we’re willing to be His people and obey His commands, He commits Himself for ever to be our God. He will always be there for us, never leaving or forsaking us.

It’s one thing to say and believe that God is faithful to us (and He most certainly is), but the more glorious truth is that God is faithful to Himself first, and therefore to us. He’s faithful to His own character, faithful to His own plans, faithful to His own promises… and therefore faithful to us, His precious children, whom He is lovingly committed to.

When we understand that God is faithful to Himself, and therefore to us, we’re freed from the devastating effects of thinking that His faithfulness is dependent on us. He’s not faithful to us because of anything we’ve done well, or badly, and He doesn’t determine His faithfulness on any merit of ours. We could never earn or deserve His faithfulness, yet He chooses to give it to us freely!

God is faithful to us, even when we’re not faithful to Him, because it’s a part of who He is; He can’t deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13). We may be thoroughly unfaithful, but God is faithful to Himself. No matter what circumstances or situations we find ourselves in today, whether we’ve been faithful or not to Him, we can trust that God is faithful in the midst of it all. For we know that God absolutely can’t be anything BUT faithful… because it’s part of who He is.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are completely and utterly faithful – first to Yourself and therefore to me. Thank You that Your faithfulness is an unchanging part of who You are, and does not depend on how strong my faith in You is. Today I choose to trust in Your faithfulness and ask that You will demonstrate Your faithfulness in my life today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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