
Psalm 8:3-4, NIV
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?”

The witness of Scripture, from beginning to end, is that God was and is the Creator of all things. Secular humanism is desperate, however, to write God out of the script and use science to prove that, in some extraordinary way, the whole of the universe accidentally created itself out of absolutely nothing – not only self-creating the matter of which the universe is made, but simultaneously creating the space in which all of God’s creation exists!

This is as scientifically nonsensical as sitting in the middle of a field, waiting for an airport and a Boeing 747 to self-create themselves, so that you can jet off on your holidays! We can be confident that this will never happen. In just the same way we can be confident that the Universe was not an accident and that as the Psalmist contemplated the glories of the heavens, he was right in his assessment, that the moon and the stars are the work of God’s hands.

Our sun is 93 million miles away from Planet Earth. But out there in space there is a star so big that its diameter is greater than eight times the distance between the Earth and the Sun! When I contemplate the vastness and the glory of the universe and then look at the sheer miracle of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, I cannot help but praise my God, the Creator of all things.

When the Psalmist sees the incredible magnificence of God’s amazing creation he is then lost in the miraculous wonder of the fact that this amazing God is mindful of his individual existence and cares about him. It’s hard for him to comprehend that Almighty God, the Creator of all things is aware of who he is and what he is doing!

But that is the reality of our God. He created all things, but it is mankind, made in His image and likeness, who is at the centre of His heart. When we look up to the heavens and see the magnificence of the night sky, we can be hugely encouraged that the God who put the stars in space and holds them in his hands, is the same God who put us on Planet Earth and sent His Son to show us how much He loved us.

Be encouraged – in spite of our apparent insignificance, when compared with the vastness of the universe, He is mindful of you, loves you and cares for you.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord for Your amazing creation. I marvel at the fact that You who made all things are mindful of who I am and care about me. Thank you for your wonderful love and extraordinary provision for me and all your children. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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