Normally I love new beginnings – they speak of exciting things ahead, new opportunities and new relationships. But, it is with a measure of nervous anticipation, even with a touch of ‘fear and trembling’, that I am sitting at my keyboard and typing this first entry of my new blog!
For some time now, different members of the Ellel Ministries team have been encouraging me to do this. But I’ve never been very confident that people would want to read it, or whether I can keep up a regular flow of things that are both worth reading, and which will prove to be a blessing to those who read them.
However, a few weeks ago I was thinking and praying about the idea, and I sensed a very clear encouragement from the Lord to start writing and trust Him for the content – and with the consequences – and not to worry whether anyone will ever want to read it! So, now I feel very much more relaxed about the whole project and am trusting and praying that for you who read these regular jottings, they will be a blessing.
The blog won’t be appearing regularly every week on the same day or at any other specific interval, but only when I sense the Lord has given me something to say.
The life that Fiona and I lead inevitably entails a lot of travel, going from Centre to Centre encouraging our teams, teaching at conferences and Centre events and sharing in the responsibilities of leadership. As a result we are very privileged to see some exciting and fascinating places. While we really do love visiting all of them, when we are asked what place we like going to most, much to most people’s surprise, we always say ‘Home!’

While we love being away, in reality there’s nothing quite like opening your own front door and enjoying the place which contains so many happy memories and all the things you are most comfortable with. For me, leaving home for any lengthy journey always gives me mixed emotions – the excitement and privilege of going somewhere special, to serve the Lord within the ministry, and the sense of wanting to stay a little longer in the place I call ’home’. And the older one gets, the stronger it seems, that feeling becomes!
Anyway, whether I’m at home or away, I’m already beginning to look forward to writing entries for the blog – so, welcome to all those who will be sharing with me on life’s journey. And watch this space!
Hi Peter and Fiona,Yesterday I prayed and thank God for Peter and his oebdience to God in making Ellel a reality. I am proberbly the only person in St. Vincent and the Grenadines who is currently recieving this ministry but it has been such a great blessing and source of healing to me. I have invited many of my friends to sign up and I hope they will. I have read the book on soul ties and I have ordered the other five in the series because I have learnt so much. May God continue to bless your Ministry and all who partner with you.I look forward to reading your blog.
Dear Peter,
Thankyou for your Blogs , like them so much they are now on my Face Book. Maria x
Many, many praises and thanks to Almighty God who has you both in the palm of His Hand. Many, many thanks to you Peter and Fiona for your obedience in following His guidance.
I first heard of your ministry at the end of 1998, and can honestly say that with the help of your teachings and under the guidance of my Pastor and his wife and their willing obedience to God to minister the truth with me that my life has been transformed. It has taken time and my life will continue to change. I have been to Gilbula on several courses, enjoy the daily seeds and I am doing the 365 series. At one time I was being very slack and heard in my spirit, quite clearly “Peter Horrobin is doing an exxcellent job with the Ellel 365 series!!”
Roger, my husband and I can so identify will your photos, as we travelled through Israel in 2009 with Chuck Missler’s Berean Tour. It is incredible to walk where Jesus walked and to know that one day He will walk there again!
This is my first ever blog.
Hi Pippa,
Thanks for your contribution to the blog. On the home page of the website (bottom right of screen) you can sign up to receive an e-mail when a new contribution from Peter and/or Fiona has been posted.
Hello to you both. Thankyou for starting a blog. I, too, am a little nervous of this technology – to the point where this is the first time I’ve ever written on a blog. I stumbled upon your blog even existing quite by “accident” (probably “actsofGod”) so perhaps God wants me to keep in touch even though we don’t know each other personally. I am aware of Elel Grange – I think one of my friends used to minister there years ago, or may know you personally. I wonder how I am to know when you have made a new contribution to the blog and how I will get access to it. Today a friend sent me an email and the link was in it, but I cannot rely on that happening every time.
Blessings, Pippa
Hi Peter and Fiona,
It is a blessing from the Lord that I found your blog, i find your words inspiring and your ministery of the TRUTH wonderful and life changing. I wish you blessings and success on your journeys although i know He is with you both so it will be fine!
As in His words “we know that god causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called accord to his purpose for them” Romans 8.28.
I hear you that you was worried starting this blog but as the Lord has shown you let the spirit lead you and remember Timothy 1.7 ” God has not given us a spirit of fear”
All the best, looking forward to hear more, with you both in mind and prey….God bless and continue to fill you both with His glorious love and grace. Amen!
Blessing Peter & Fiona
I have been touched by your writings for many years and have passed them along in ministry to hurting people God has wonderfully sent my way. I look forward to being challenged by your perceptive thoughts and encourage you in this work! Thank You!
I’m so happy to receive the blessing of this blog Peter. As a young man I think it is so important to learn from those more mature in the faith. I particularly appreciate it when a leader like you is willing to share their heart with others and have the guts to speak on the controversial issues of the day. Your statement on Lakeland back in 2008 was such a blessing to me – a real beacon in a sea of confusion – and I am excited you have this new vehicle to regularly communicate to people with and will always read with interest!
Hi Peter,
God bless you for your obedience and diligence in God’s kingdom. Your revelation knowledge about “hidden” and little spoken about truths within the kingdom is truly a wonderful blessing to the body of Christ. I speak from personal experience as your teachings on “Healing through Deliverance” have proved to be both sound in doctrine and true in experience. You are a inspired teacher and a humble bondslave of Christ. May God continue to fill you with His glorious love and grace. Amen!
Hi Peter and Fiona,
Yesterday I prayed and thank God for Peter and his obedience to God in making Ellel a reality. I am proberbly the only person in St. Vincent and the Grenadines who is currently recieving this ministry but it has been such a great blessing and source of healing to me. I have invited many of my friends to sign up and I hope they will. I have read the book on soul ties and I have ordered the other five in the series because I have learnt so much. May God continue to bless your Ministry and all who partner with you.I look forward to reading your blog.
Rev, Peter
Your blog is great and powerful and fantastic. It will serve immensely and tremendously in the Kingdom of God.I pray Gods blessing over your life and ministry in Jesus name Amen!
Keep in touch
Rev.Apostle.Martin Kwame Nuako,
Based in Ghana, Sweden and South Africa.
Dear Peter and Fiona
Yet again, Ellel has been the vehicle through which I have confronted some of my deep rooted fears. Being a techno-dinosaur, I have always avoided ‘Blogs’ and ‘bloggers’ basically because I never really understood what ‘Blogs’ were about! So thank you Peter for firing my interest and making ‘blogging’ accessible. I especially liked and related to your ‘home’ thoughts from abroad. We are all so blessed to have a safe haven on earth as well as our ‘forever’ home in Heaven! Also Bless you and Fiona and the rest of the team for all your teaching in french and english that we are now able to use as a basis for some of the meetings of our ‘gathering’ on Sunday afternoons in S W France. Come and see us sometime.
Jill and John Pauling@Kerith.
hi,and peace to you peter.thank you for your blog.times like now, where a out pouring of the lords words,are going to flood the world in ever where that it can, will blow the truth out into ever persons call for help. how wonderfull to see so many new and powerfull ways, the lord is now moving into this lost and blind world. nothing will stop the love covering this world which is coming. thank you. god blessxxx
Glad you’re enjoying Seeds of the Kingdom. For those who haven’t heard about Seeds yet, then why not have a look by clicking here: Seeds of the Kingdom
In 2004 God put my feet on His path. He directed me to Ellel Ministries in Pretoria, South Africa. I have never heard of Ellel before, but I knew it was with a purpose that I went there. What I learned there, was and is still a big anchor in my life. It helped me through so many big and small situations in my life.
Thank you for being obedient to the calling on your life, without which so many people would have been left ‘criple’ and the body of Christ so much poorer. May God keep on blessing you and yours, and us through you.
As I am not in a financial position to take on Ellel 365 this is a good way for me to keep up with your work for the Lord. I have already set up ‘Seeds of the Kingdom’ as my home page so that I get ministry every time I go on the internet! God bless you all 😀 x
Greetings from Paria in Goerge,SA. Since you received word from God to start this blogg – how dare we doubt that this will be a success? God Bless
Fantastic idea to start the blog. I will read it avidly. With the keys we have received from your sitting at the feet of our Lord, Peter and Fiona, we have been able to “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls” Jeremiah 6:16. As I have learnt these ways, I have been transformed (still needs lots more!) and blessed by our Heavenly Father, through your obedience. Thank you. Father, bless this initiative!
Hello Peter and Fiona,
-both of your ministries to me has impacted my life as no other. I attended the first 9 day Seminar in Florida in 2005, the weekend you were prowling around and looking for English Acres. The teachings of TRUTH penetrated my heart like no other, and I had been in full time ministry for 12 years. Doing things by the love and grace of God, but not always fully comprehending the impact of what these great teachers were bringing to us.
I had taught, and studied, and pressed into God for answers and wha-lah, there they were, coming out of the mouths of all your teachers. You, Fiona, Jill Southern, Otto and Sharon, Jackie and Gordon and others. I have never been the same. I am greatful for your ministry, truth and love to all. I’m delighted about the blog. (new name for me-still not quite sure what it is, this blogging) but I will attempt following along, because I’ve already watched and learned that God has anointed you all, to be His mouthpiece, His hands, arms and feet extented to not only His body, but to His broken ones that He is grafting in to the vine. That is your honor for His glory. Thank you for being the willing vessels and the conduit of His wonderful love. Your doing a magnificent job, by the way….and thanks for your obedience to accept the prompting from the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much for this your very first blog, and, for taking a step of faith. This is,
definitely, your first fruit, and, the rest is assured – because there will be growth, multiplication and you will bear much fruit. May God grant you supernatural wisdom,on a daily basis!!! God bless you, your family, and, your ministry.
Thank you Peter for writing this blog. I’m looking forward to receiving this blog! I wanted to doe 365 but it has too much stuff for me to read, so I really would like to follow this!!
I have just done the modulair A and B in Holland and this has already transformed my life a great deal. I would really like to keep growing!!
May God bless you in this journey with Him. And through you we also will be blessed;-)
Judith Damminga
Shalom Peter,
Rejoicing to read your blog. I have finished 365, and miss the daily teachings and so look forward to part 2. We live in the Galilee and spend as much time as we can around the Kinnerret and the places you visited. I enjoyed reading your comments and will look forward to each entry on your blog.
I will definitely be reading your blog Peter. I believe it is a “God-Idea” for sure.
Thank you so much for imparting LIFE through ELLEL 365. I look forward to your weekly teachings and my life is being transformed as I obey The Word of God.
May God continue to bless you and keep you in the palm of His Hand.
Peter, your book ‘Forgiveness- God’s Master Key’ is my favourite and I recommend it to everyone.
Hi Peter and Fiona;
So glad to hear that home is where your heart is, and how you are helping many to feel this way too, this is my prayer for all our family.
Thank you again.
Thank you Peter! Ellel Ministries touched my life – in SA – and I remember you speaking at Lewende Woord.. and the book about your dog… your thoughts, your insights, your stories? They’re definitely worth telling. And listening to. God bless!
Dear Peter and Fiona, greetings to you, we are Frank and Susan leading a ministry in Uganda where if you have opened our website, you will discover the nature of our ministry.
I would love to continue in friendship and contributing on this blog when i get to hear from you.
Frank and Susan.