Action Words

Daniel 11:32, NIV
“The people who do know their God will be strong and do exploits.”

There are three key phrases in our Scripture for today – ‘know their God’, ‘will be strong’ and ‘do exploits’. These are the action words which draw us into supernatural involvement with Father God. There is a divine logic about the sequence which teaches us a profound lesson about the protocol of God.

First we have to know Him – and that doesn’t just mean know who he is. It means to be in a close relationship with Him – to understand His heart, recognise His voice and be happy to walk in His ways. Unless we have come to that place in God we will not know what it is that God is calling us to be or to do.

But once we know Him like this, we know that what God calls us to do as we follow Him is what He will enable us to do also. So there is no need to fear or doubt. And when we have reached that place of confidence in Him, we will be strong – in fact so strong that nothing can stand in the way of His purposes being fulfilled.

And the result will be that we will do exploits – amazing things that only God could have prepared for us in advance, as Paul expressed it in his letter to the Philippians. I pray that as you seek to know Him better, you will get excited at the prospect of doing exploits for Him. Then one day you will look back at the journey you have been on and be amazed at what God has done.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that You are still in the business of calling people like Daniel to be strong and do exploits for the Kingdom of God. Help me to keep my eyes always open to see what You are doing and my ears always alert to listen to what You are saying, so that I will know what it is that You want me to do next for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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