The Signal No-one Believed

In 1911, Welshman Arthur Moore, an enthusiastic, and very able amateur wireless operator, intercepted a signal from the Italian Government declaring war on Libya. The London Daily Sketch headlined Arthur’s news, which was later proven to be true. By 1912 Arthur Moore had so developed and improved his equipment that he was receiving messages from far and wide and had become a source of advance information of international events.

Then, in the early hours of the 15th April 1912 Arthur Moore picked up a Morse Code distress signal from the RMS Titanic: “CQD CQD SOS de MGY Position 41.44N 50.24W. Require immediate assistance. Come at once. We have struck an iceberg. Sinking….We are putting the women off in the boats…..”  He continued to copy out the Morse Code signals he was receiving: “We are putting the passengers off in small boats” “Women and children in boats, cannot last much longer…..” Then came the final signal: “Come as quickly as possible old man; our engine-room is filling up to the boilers.”

 He reported the news to the local constabulary. But this time nobody believed him. Wasn’t the Titanic unsinkable? And also, at that time it was considered impossible for anyone to pick up a wireless signal at a distance of 3000 miles. So, it cannot be true.

It was nearly two days before London newspapers carried the full text of the signals which had been picked up by other ships in the area, confirming that Arthur Moore was, indeed, the first person in the UK to hear the news of the Titanic disaster. For Arthur Moore, this extraordinary feat of wireless technology, by an untrained amateur, was the beginning of a remarkable career working for Marconi and then supervising the installation of wireless equipment on all the ships of the British Navy during the first World War.

A Stunning Revelation

I wouldn’t have known any of the above, were it not for a member of the Alvis Owner Club, who was reading my book One Life, Many Cars and sent me details of Arthur Moore, who, he told me, had been a previous owner of the car featured on its front cover – see below!

I was totally stunned to think that Arthur Moore’s car had once been mine and I began to ask the Lord what He might be saying to me through this revelation? As I thought about this extraordinary piece of information, the message that came was very simple, but very clear. Just as people did not believe that Arthur Moore could have received a message that the Titanic was sinking, the world has not believed the message of Scripture that this world is also sinking and that Jesus is coming again.

The SOS messages have gone out about climate change and a world that is only concerned about its own earthly survival is now listening. But when will the world, and the Church, start to take seriously the eternal SOS messages that are so clear in Scripture, that the world as we know it will have an end? And that Jesus, the Saviour of all those who come to Him will return, as he promised. But this time it will be in power and great glory, and those that are not found in Him will be like doomed passengers on the Titanic, without hope of rescue.

Why does the Church seem so embarrassed about declaring to a fallen world that it’s time to seek the Lord, while He may be found? The prophets were right about the first coming of Jesus and people seem happy enough to remember at Christmas that He came. But the prophetic messages about the second coming are just as reliable and as we enter the season of Advent we are challenged to prepare our hearts for His return.   It was Jesus who said, “Keep watch. Because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matthew 25:13).

Just as none of us know either the day or the hour when the number of our days will be complete, neither do we know when the Lord’s return will be. But one day the knowledge of His coming will circle the globe in a moment of time – wireless messages will not be needed. For those who know Him it will be a moment of glorious revelation as they welcome their Saviour. But for those who have ignored the message of salvation . . . . .


  1. I agree with you, Peter.

    I think those of us who are older see the signs more clearly. Come, Lord Jesus!

  2. Thank you Peter for a truly profound and challenging word for the church and for the world.

  3. We can truly depend on God and what He says! Jesus said “as in the days of Noah so it will be when the son of man comes” l never imagined that the moral decline would deteriorate so quickly! We say good is evil and evil is good! It’s horrifying as well as all the predictions being met with what is called natural disasters!
    I often wish I could see what is happening in the counsel of God to have a perspective on what is happening on earth? Yet as I study Job I am aware that God doesn’t inform us and it’s trust and faith knowing that God is in control!! The older I get the more I’m in awe of what He does in my life. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours as you proclaim the truth!

  4. Peter drove a car that had once belonged to Arthur Moore the inventor. That’s special! I thought about whether I got anything special in my hands as well, until I realized in my possession is the Scriptures- God’s map for all nations holding promises for this life and the life to come.

  5. Thank you Peter for all that you and Fiona have done over the years. You have been a life line to me and many others during the past couple of years. Blessings to you all at Ellel Ministries. Thank you also for your blogs, inspirational. 🙏🙏🙏😊☝

  6. Churches are becoming very dangerous places to enter. You can speak a word of blessing to someone and they take it as an offense. They complain to a leader, and next time you turn up you are told you cannot enter because of safeguarding rules.

    Under the Church of England safeguarding rules, they have to protect people who can get offended. If a word of encouragement is actually seen an an offense, then you are banned from entering.

  7. Dear Peter, thank you so much for your blog on Arthur Moore and the SOS signal and demise of the Titanic. As I read scripture, see world events unfolding and creation groaning, the return of Jesus seems so very near. I long for the Church to wake up and prepare – Jesus parable of the wise and foolish virgins being so pertinent. I have no doubt that your book and revelation will be used by the Lord to further this aim and bring Him glory. Every blessing Helen

  8. Great to hear from you Ken – and thanks for your response and input on the blog. Great to hear too of the Lord’s healing and restoration. Many blessings.

  9. Dear Peter, this is a fascinating story, indeed testimony, from which you’ve drawn startling and challenging conclusions.
    It’s so sad to have to agree that the world, and the church, seems unaware of our Lord’s impending return.
    Whilst we aware of the warning Jesus gives in Matt 25:13 that we do not know when He will return, the prophetic signs in the scriptures, and the world lurches from one crisis to another without hope of a permanent solution, I believe we can be sure that His return is far closer than many people think.
    Then there are the signs in the middle east surroung Israel, natural disasters, floods, famine, pestilences and the like, all of which add to the evidence of Jesus’ return. In fact one of the only things remaining before His return is in Matt 24:14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached tto every nation, and THEN the end shall come, oh what a glorious day! However, the gospel hasn’t yet reached every nation, so we wait as we try to hasten Jesus’ return.
    Thanks so much for this blog and im delighted to say that I’ve finally climbed out of the dark depression I wrote you about some time ago thanks to the life found in studying the scriptures, hearing clearly from the Lord once more, listening to sound teaching from Ellel Mjnistries and the late Derek Prince.
    We send our love and blessings to you and Fiona.
    Blessings from Ken and Marjorie

  10. Here in SA, the traditional churches, ignores the signals of the eminent rapture! No teaching on prophecies! Most people just waiting for everything to go back to “normal” again!!!

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