Isaiah 1:18-20, NIV
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
This week the whole of the UK descended into snow-clad chaos, as the heavens deposited mega-tons of the white stuff on an unexpecting world! By 10.00am on Monday morning two snowmen and an igloo had sprouted in my grand-children’s garden. They were loving what children love everywhere. I can remember 1947 (just!) and 1963 (well, I cycled up the River Thames!) and when I mention those years, to those also old enough to remember, they nod their heads with a smile of approval as they reminisce about the great cover-ups and freeze-ups of years gone by!
As I looked at amazing photographs of our land dressed in white, my mind turned to this Scripture. What an extraordinary picture these words paint of what God does with our sins, when we choose to come before Him with a repentant heart. He covers our sin! What an incredible difference it makes to every single day of our lives to know that our sin is covered!
I will never forget that first day of my new life – I was nine years of age when I was born again. Everything was totally different – it was as if there had been a massive snowfall covering my sin and making everything in my young life totally new.
And then there is the following promise, that if we are willing and obedient we will then ‘eat the best from the land’. People can sometimes be obedient, but with unwilling hearts! It’s willing hearts that are responding with gratitude to the forgiveness of such a loving God. Unwilling obedience, or straightforward disobedience, bring grief to the heart of God for it means that the children God loves so much, will miss out on His best for them.
As we see the snow, let it be a constant reminder to us of God’s mercy and love. But let it also be a constant encouragement to be willing in our obedience to Him, as we walk forward through whatever difficulties we may be facing.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that when I come to you with a repentant heart you cover my sin as the snow covers the land. Help me Lord to always respond to your amazing love with joyful obedience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Living the Life DVD series – Teaching Series by Peter Horrobin. Ideal for Home Groups.