“While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead?’”
Luke 24:4-5, NIV
When, suddenly, two angels, gleaming like lightning, appeared in the tomb of Jesus, no-one can blame the women for being frightened! Their only agenda at that moment was, in their grief, to place spices on the body of Jesus. They were already traumatised for a different reason – the body of Jesus had gone! And it was then, in the midst of their utter confusion, that two angels appeared before them and asked a question which still rings down the centuries with extraordinary significance, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”
While most of today’s world has reduced the resurrection of Jesus to the level of a really nice religious myth, the events of that extraordinary Sunday morning stand unchallenged as one of the most well attested facts of history. Jesus is not a dead religious leader whose tomb is venerated like an idol. He is not only alive for evermore, but is preparing to come again – not as a babe in Bethlehem, but as the King of Kings.
Next time it won’t be the women at an empty tomb who will be frightened, but all those who have knowingly rejected the risen Lord Jesus will be in anguish over their eternal stupidity. Notwithstanding the facts of history, the world has treated Jesus as if he was still dead, totally ignoring the significance of his life, his teaching and his ministry, and the personal consequences of ignoring the only One whose life transforms the gates of death into the doorway to life. For in Him, and in Him alone, is there hope beyond the grave as evidenced by the facts of resurrection morning.
The simple facts of this resurrection morning, stand in time and eternity as the moment when God intervened to change the destiny of all those who choose to follow Him. On this resurrection day, may I encourage you to kneel in awe and wonder before the empty cross and worship the living God. He is not dead – HE IS RISEN! Hallelujah.
Prayer: On this day, Jesus, when we celebrate Your resurrection from the dead, I come in humble adoration and great thanksgiving. Help me, Lord Jesus, in every area of my life to bear testimony to You, my risen Lord, who gave everything for me. I love You, Lord. Thank You. Amen.