For the past twelve months I have been putting the on-line teaching of Ellel 365 into book form as Journey to Freedom. Hence the recent absence of Blog entries! With six volumes already out and only two more to go, I’m feeling liberated to write again!
In Chapter 2 of his book, Nehemiah describes arriving back in Jerusalem, after receiving his commission to rebuild the walls and gates of the city. It was, at first, a secret mission, “I had not told anyone what my God had put into my heart to do for Jerusalem.”
Nehemiah knew that If the city was to be restored as the city of God’s people, the very first objective had to be the repair of the gates and the restoration of the walls. Only when the walls and the gates were secured would it be safe for the people to live there. So, he surveyed the walls, assessed the damage and made a plan. He then told the leaders what he had come to do and said, “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”
As I was reading, I sensed the Lord speaking directly to me about his church and saying, “The walls of my church are broken down and its gates have been destroyed. My people are no longer living in safety. The time has come to survey the walls, assess the damage and rebuild. Only then will my people be able to live in safety and be protected by walking in my ways, according to the truth of My Word.”
Nehemiah knew that the work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem would be opposed, as was soon demonstrated by the mocking intervention of Sanballat and his friends. So, Nehemiah taught the people to work with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other, to resist the attacks of an enemy while continuing to build the wall. And so it was that, with a carefully orchestrated plan, the walls and the gates of Jerusalem were restored.
Nehemiah records that “The work was completed in fifty two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realised that this work had been done with the help of our God.”
I believe that God wants to see the walls and the gates of His church restored. The popular image of today’s church is largely of an imploding organisation with little respect and no significant influence on society or government. But is this surprising when so much of the church itself has lost respect for the authority of God’s Word and has chosen to tread the easy road of compromise, instead of the upward path of spiritual integrity? The foundations are shaken, the gates have been torn down, the leaders have lost their fire and the flock has been scattered.
This is a day when, I believe, God is looking for a new generation of Nehemiahs, people who will carefully survey the walls of His church, see where they have been broken down and start to rebuild. It is time for the people of God to regain their confidence in God’s truth and, once again, for the church to become a place where the people of God will be safe from the inroads of the enemy. And the gates of the church will become a doorway of hope for those who are looking for answers, to both the big issues and the needs of ordinary people who are struggling to make sense of life in a godless society. Yes, there will be mocking opposition, but since when has opposition to the truth been a reason for abandoning it!
Thank you very much, here in Nigeria l am afraid the wall is down down,many pastors are preaching the gospel for their own gain, l pray for reformation of the Church and for the coming of the Lord to be sooner. May the Lord bless your efforts
It is like the mainstream churches have mostly adopted a different religion. I went to Westminster Abbey in the week and could see no reference to Jesus in any display and the prayer over the tannoy said just “Lord”. Listen to Thought for the Day and other public pronouncements and one might think the name of Jesus has become an embarrassment – certainly the cross has been emptied of power and meaning. The church gives every sign of being headless! Separated from its head, Jesus! To reject one bit of God’s revelation is to be on the road to reject all of it and to block the flow of grace, so no wonder so many churches are now mostly prayerless in terms of seeking God to make disciples. Why bother if all are saved anyway!?
Yes we are being called to stand against
What others would have us do and we end compromising.
Watch and pray a time to stand up
God bless
If you go the website, then there is an option to “share” this article. Hope this helps!
Thanks very much Peter. An excellent piece that begs the question “What/who is the ‘Church?'”
For me, right now, it is NOT the denominations that sanction so-called “gay marriage” (almost all of them, in the West at any rate) and certainly NOT the buildings, that doubtless are in great need of repair also, but the PEOPLE who adhere to the Holy Word of God seven days a week, not one in seven.
These TRUE believers (aka the “Body of Christ”) are the ones waiting expectantly and joyfully for Christ to Return to rule and reign through HIS Millennium (1000 year reign on earth) whether or not we “rise up to meet Him in the air,” or greet Him on the Mount of Olives from where He ascended, which will then become His HQ on planet earth.
The only important thing to focus on is that He WILL return, because He promised He would. The Church therefore must be ready, like the “Wise virgins” of His parable in Matthew 25, lamps trimmed, full of the’oil’ of Holy Spirit, so that we don’t miss the “Wedding Supper of the Lamb.” For the True Church is the ‘Bride of Christ,’ whose members need ‘rebuilding’ until they are the “pure spotless Bride” that the ‘Bridegroom’ seeks to “wed.”
I thank God daily that the mission of Ellel Ministries has been to rebuild, recycle, revive and renovate the ‘Body of Christ,’ as well as adding to It’s number, adhering diligently to the instructions found in the Bible as to how to accomplish this sacred mission.
Thank you for ALL you have done since first finding Ellel Grange, all that you are doing worldwide and all that has yet to be done. May God empower you to complete the task. In Jesus’ invincible Name. Amen.
Amen Lana. In fact God HAS to rebuild the “Church,” in order to fulfil His own “End-time” prophecies, if by the “Church” we mean the “Body of Christ” i.e. the PEOPLE of God NOT the buildings/denominations, but TRUE believers in Yeshua-Ben-Yosef, Sar-Shalom, the Prince of Peace, who will return soon, because He promised He would and He is “NOT a Man who can lie.” Shalom/God bless+++
You are correct Peter, as followers of Jesus Christ we are told in His word to “stand firm on His Word” and many of His Church leaders and Politicians compromising His Word. I stand with you in calling all followers of Jesus Christ to defend His Word.
Thanks , Peter, very timely blog when we look at the apparent suicide of Gavin wilson,, the remarkable young man who stood up to the ‘drag queens who were allowed to take over the library and attract a vulnerable group of young children to view their repulsive acts. Shame on the authorities who gave these drag queens and their entourage permission to entice young children and their unthinking parents into thinking that these sorts of entertainment were suitable for their children to view.
I loved this article sooooooooooo much, but wanted to share it on Facebook and couldn’t??
It had a LIKE button on the article in my email, (for Facebook) but I couldn’t find this article anywhere on Facebook.
Could you point me in the right direction with a link to find it Please.
I believe many people in God’s church would also want to KEEP sharing this article also.
Thank you again, it was a perfect picture of Truth, and I loved it so much because I believe that is TRULY what God is saying to His church right now.
God Bless xx
I think you are Spot On here Peter. Several years ago God clearly told me that there is not a Church in our town fit for purpose. Sadly, several years later, the situation remains the same. Hardly surprising local evangelism doesn’t work when there is nowhere fit for new Christians to be loved and taught.
I agree, this blog is very timely
Us Christians have lost respect as our voice is now in the minority as other voices are more respected. We need to bring God back into the foreground of our thinking and actions
God continue to bless and use you Peter and Ellel ministries world wide
Thank you for giving us God’s word. It’s wonderful hearing God’s wishes given to you to pass on. May God bless you in a spectacular way. Testing times ahead. May I hear and understand the following days/months ahead.
Hi Peter, Thank you so much for that. It’s so good to hear an accurate analysis of the present position in the UK and other Western nations. The institutions have down to Egypt with all the consequences that flow from such a move. Surveying, moving, encouraging, building up and relying upon our God: Amen!! “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”. Upon this God given revelation He will build His church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. Thanks again Peter.
I have just read your commentary I have felt very strongly now for several years that our Christian leaders have lost their way and doing great harm to our Christian heritage
We really need to be able to speak God’s word with out fear But with all the Politically
Correct nonsense it is very difficult. Lana points out one of the worst problem
Our children and younger people are not being grounded in Christianity and it’s values Before they are taught to respect other religions
Thank you for your words it has given all hope that God will be presented to our Nation
soon before it is to late
Thank you Peter. I heartily agree with your diagnosis. I think my concern stems from answering the question “how”. I can see a number of areas where the walls are down but I ask myself what can I do? Pray? Certainly and I do. Talk? Yes very important. But how do we change the attitudes and actions of so many church leaders who are allowing the walls to break down without any attempt to rebuild? Nehemiah had the advantage that the broken wall was ready for all to see. He also had a people who fought for their families. Today it is much harder to convince people that the walls are broken down and equally has to call people to action. I have tried to be a watchman but I am finding more than a little overwhelming at present.
I believe your blog to be so timely. Many of us are bruised and battered and we need the place of safety to refuel to fight the battles ahead. Working in Education I see the mocking voices and ideas on a daily basis. God will rebuild his church and the enemy will not prevail.