“You Have Never Been This Way Before”

When Joshua was preparing God’s people to cross the River Jordan and enter the promised land, he told the people to keep their eyes on the ark of the covenant of the Lord, being carried  by the Levites, and when they move, to follow! Then, they were told, “you will know which way to go, because you have never been this way before.”

As I write this blog, the nations of the world are struggling to overcome a virus so small that no-one can see it. Fear has become society’s controlling force and severe governmental advice, new laws and economic remedies have swiftly followed. The simple fact is the world has never walked this way before and the leaders of the nations are making up the script as they go. Only President Trump of the world’s leaders has taken the spiritual initiative and called their nation to a day of prayer.

All of us in the Body of Christ need to be on our knees before the Lord, crying out to Him for our leaders, the medics and everyone who is fighting this virus and its effects, for this is a world crisis. We must all play our part.

Yesterday, in response to Government information and advice, the Executive Leadership of Ellel Ministries had to make the unprecedented decision to pause all operations at our centres in the UK for four months. It was a huge decision for us to close our doors to those who need the help, the training and the ministry which has become the core activity and spiritual DNA of our work.

But, just as the Israelites were told to go where the presence of the Lord was and to follow the ark of the covenant, we were also looking to follow where the Lord was leading. But what was He saying? How could pausing all our operations for four months help the people that God had called us to serve?

Even as we were wrestling with this decision to close our doors for four months, we were also becoming aware that this devastating crisis could become a God-given opportunity to support and encourage the wider Ellel family and beyond, by using the internet to provide Ellel Online. We were realising that by changing our strategy, in this unique season, we would be able reach many more people across the world, than could ever come through our doors! But we needed the Lord’s clear confirmation that this was where He was leading.

Then, right into our meeting came a texted word from an intercessor to one of our Exec members. They knew absolutely nothing about the decision we were wrestling with when they quoted to us John 4:35. “Do you not say, Four months more and then the harvest? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”

Immediately, we knew it was right to pause our centre activities for four months, but God was telling us not to wait four months before continuing operations to bring in His Kingdom harvest – for the time is NOW. This is a time of reaping, even as fear and panic is spreading across the world. For, in the middle of the crisis, there will be those who are turning to the Lord and crying out to Him. It is now that the harvest must be reaped!

We had been asking God to show us His way forward for the ministry, because we had never walked this way before. It was an awesome moment when we realised that God had spoken right into our situation.

Yes, there will be consequences of closing our doors for four months, especially in respect of our finances. For, without anyone coming on our courses, there will be no income from this source. And what about all our teams – and many other issues we will have to wrestle with? The potential problems are huge – but God has spoken, therefore, we need not fear.

We may not have gone this way before, but the coronavirus pandemic was not a surprise to God, even though it’s a season in history unlike any other that there has ever been. It is a spiritual war with an invisible enemy. There may be a physical virus to which mankind has no immunity, but as Paul so rightly said in Ephesians 6:12, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenly realms.”

So, as well as doing everything necessary to protect ourselves from the virus, we need also to heed Paul’s advice and put on the full armour of God – the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and have feet that are ready to take the Gospel to wherever there is one who is crying out to God for answers. We live in a world which has largely turned its back on God our Maker and His Son, our Saviour, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t millions of people who are still looking to God for an answer to the fear in their hearts and the issues in their lives.

These may be testing and challenging days – but they are also days of great opportunity for the Kingdom of God. We need to take every wise precaution physically to protect ourselves from the physical virus, but we need to be diligent also in using the armour of God to provide us with spiritual protection from everything that the enemy of souls wants to throw at mankind – and especially at God’s people.

Right now, our leaders at Ellel Grange are working on the details of an on-line programme of encouragement and teaching for the times in which we are now living. So, watch out for an email telling you how to link in with this new Ellel service. It’s coming very soon!

And may I ask you to pray for the ministry and our works across thirty-six different nations as they seek to minister faith and hope into the lives of people who are coming under the threat of a global wave of fear and panic. We may not have walked this way before, but, as children of God, we are stretching out our hands to the One who knows the way to go. May the Lord’s hand of protection and blessing be upon you and all the nations to which we belong.


  1. Hi Peter

    Your obedience to the God during this time has brought great blessing to me. The online teaching resources have facilitated numerous encounters with God and I am experiencing real change through the steps to life series. I’m feeling a renewed passion for wanting to play my part in Gods Kingdom work which is something I had lost. I’m really excited for what comes after these 4 months for both myself and Ellel. Prayers of blessing to you and the whole team. Your staff (Ellel Pierrepont) have all been so loving to me throughout my journey of healing and I will be forever grateful!

  2. During this time of imposed isolation, God is getting people to clean up themselves spiriutally to prepare for going to be with Him! Elell online will be used mightily! Hallelujah!

  3. My prayers is with you and Fiona may God protects you and may God continues to show the Ellel leadership team mightily. It is good to hear from you in this time to know that every one at the grange is strong in your faith in God. May every staff at the Grange stay in His peace and rest at this time preparing for the harvest. God bless.

  4. Do encouraged by ” you will know which way to go, because you have never been this way before”

    Praying for Ellel and all staff, trusting great impossibilities!!

  5. Yes!!!!! My spirit agreees..in the Lord….as His children stand on His Word…….Psalm 91……..ALL…but…v. 3.”For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence.”……v.10 “No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent.”….so He will pour out the Holy Spirit through us…….to the dear ones with out Him! He is Sovereign!

  6. Thank you for so much and bless you… Timothy: “for God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind” and Deuteronomy “Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.”👏🌈🤗🦋🎶🙌🏽👏🙏🏻

  7. I got a vision years ago of Golden wheat swaying in a field and prayed and asked the lord to reveal to me in timewith the heart of your will lord and the same scripture was coming to me, God bless .

  8. I have felt so excited to hear of your plans for wider spread of on-line teaching to come. something deep inside me says “YES!!!”
    I wait with great anticipation and we’ll be praying here as you all set it up! What a blessing this will be – This must be of God.
    Blessings on you all and God’s Holy Spirit breathing upon every word written and every video spoken. With love, Sue

  9. Thank you Peter for your update on the situation in Elle and for your encouragements. As always God touches me through your ministry. I am eternally grateful to Him for introducing me to Ellel Ministries and and for the healing, teaching and encouragement I receive as a result. I am praying for you all. Thank you for your prayers for us in the wider community. “My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all
    we have to do is follow….”

  10. I liked the encouragement that God knows the way.
    Yes, an online program would work well and be timely. Thank you.

  11. Thankyou, Peter. Yesterday I found myself reading from Hebrews 12 vs 12 “So be made strong even in your weakness by lifting up your tired hands in prayer and worship. And strengthen your weak knees, for as you keep walking forward on God’s paths all your stumbling ways will be divinely healed!” (TPT)

  12. Thank you for listening to God and for stepping out in this online harvest field.

  13. Peter and Fiona, and Ministry Staff:
    Thank you so much for reaching out all the way to San Diego, California.
    I will miss the Spring classes and all the healing and wisdom that Ellel Glyndley Manor
    has provided….opening my heart to Jesus and our purpose here on Earth.
    Praying for all:)

  14. It’s so wonderful to be able to give way copies of the book “Strands of Destiny” to many Pastors across Uganda.

    Sovereign World Trust give me a lot of books to give away in Uganda, and Strands of Destiny has been one of their books which provides a lot of richness and encouragement to those who seek to do God’s work. May the Lord continue to use Ellel Ministries to build the body of Christ worldwide,

  15. Thank you for your wise and encouraging reflection!
    You have been instrumental in our lives for the last 20 years, so, we stand with you in prayers and rejoice at the opportunity you have to carry on with the work that has been entrusted to you; you do bless so many lives around the world!
    May the Lord continue to teach us and guide the steps of each of His children, wherever we are now.

  16. Thank you for your encouraging words! I am really looking forward to an online program, as the physical centres are too far for me and I couldn’t take time out from the family. In the meantime Ellel’s daily devotionals have been a real source of encouragement for me. Many blessings!

  17. Thank you Peter,
    You are truly a man of God I believe.
    If, as I believe we are indeed coming in to harvest time
    Are we infilled with His Holy Spirit and ready to go out in Jesus Name
    To preach the gospel and heal the sick
    Is this time of isolation, a time of enforced contemplation?
    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
    Help us Lord, please help us.

  18. Peter, thank you for your encouraging message above. I look forward to whatever you set up online to keep us all in the community. It is a difficult time for the entire world, while praying I find myself saying, “Thy will be done, Lord, Thy will be done.” We are in great hands, eh!

  19. Your response is timely Pastor. What a Godly move. I will continue to pray on the points you raised before the Lord. Praise God. God has not left mankind as orphans. He is in control of all our fears and anxieties. Amen

  20. God is taking the church to the streets, to the “real world!” and even to “On-line” preachings!, so… PRAISE GOD FOR WHATEVER HE’S DOING ALL AROUND THE WORLD!… “On-line!” Sounds EXCELLENT to me!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  21. Fijn dat God zo specifiek antwoord!
    En dat God t zo bevestigde!

    Wonderful for God to answer so specifically!
    And that God so confirmed it!
    Be Blessed!

  22. Bless you and thank you Peter for this message.A courageous decision, but a clear Word from The Lord.My husband and I are listening to the Course I attending on Restoring God’s Order.It arrived at at just the right time,and we are so Blessed listening together.We are having to self isolate but this is not a problem as we have heard it called A Sabbath Rest.We believe that God is in control. and in the months to come we will see A mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit and souls for The Kingdom…Shall look forward to the next season for Ellel Ministries
    Blessings and Prayers…Maria ❤️

  23. When I get your emails I always wish I were in a place where I could take another course, as they all seem so relevant to me. It now sounds like I will be able to do so. I am very grateful and I see it as the Lord’s generosity and abundance that he always has for his people.
    “Blessed be the Lord, for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when I was in a besieged city.” Psalm 31:21

  24. Thank you for this Peter ….you and Fi, the Exec and the ministry will constantly in our prayers. Your words echo the Word given at our own church last Sunday. We give thanks to our Sovereign Lord.

  25. I loved Eĺlel 365! It came at a time in my life that was filled with responsibilities which meant that I couldn’t leave home to take part in the new ministry in Israel. I looked forward every day to my ” computer time” and received much encouragement and healing from my daily contact.
    I’m thrilled that “we” will be going online again.
    Blessings, and looking forward!

  26. We are standing with you all in prayer.
    Your email has brought comfort, sense and truth, thank you!
    Good to be reminded to put on the full armour of God.
    God bless you all.

  27. The scripture that immediately arose as I finished reading the above was Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

  28. Hi Peter.
    Thank you for the encouraging word. Just this morning, as our team assembled via a video conference site to do deliverance and inner healing ministry (as we do three days a week), we were praising God for the technology. We rejoiced in our God who provided a means by which we could gather, pray, and minister no matter what is happening in the world around us.

    I know the Lord will greatly bless your online work and I greatly anticipate seeing how He leads you and your teams, as well as looking forward to the creative and unique way in which you pursue this new adventure.
    Many Blessings!

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