Watching and Waiting

It’s now nine months since I stepped down as the International Director of Ellel Ministries. But there is no retirement from being a follower and servant of the King, so I have been watching and waiting to see in what direction God would lead me.

During the first week of Advent I was invited to speak at Pierrepont’s Friday morning communion. God gave me a message unlike any I had previously given. It felt as though God was sounding a bell so large that it’s sound would echo right round the world. I was more conscious than at any time I can ever remember of the Holy Spirit filling my lips with His words.

The Advent message –  Resurrection Life –  began with a brief look at how Lazarus was raised from the dead, but quickly moved on to the second Advent. There was an urgency in my spirit to warn the Church that the time is very short and that the Body of Christ needs to be stirred into action and be ready. The culture of the Kingdom of God must become the culture of God’s people here on earth. Jesus’s return feels very near.

In recent months the world has experienced one crisis after another – Covid, Ukraine, famines, energy crisis, cost of living etc, etc – and I have become more and more focussed in my thinking on the Advent yet to come and the urgency of the season. Matthew 24 and 25 are getting very heavily marked in my Bible! And the parable of the ten virgins is a stark reminder to each one of us that when the Bridgeroom comes for His bride, the only question that matters is whether or not there is oil in our lamps.

Here is a link to the message and I pray this will be a blessing to you sometime during this Advent season.

I love the Christmas season. I’ve never lost the childlike simplicity of looking forward to the coming of Jesus or, to be perhaps a bit more truthful, to the pillowcase of presents that was always there at the foot of my bed on Christmas morning! And I’m still excited by the prospect of celebrating the greatest gift the world has ever known as a family and rejoicing in the salvation that unites us in the love of our amazing God.

But there’s now a deeper excitement in my spirit about the age that is to come and I know that the focus of my spiritual attention is shifting from teaching how to minister healing as I have done for the last 36 years, to living the reality of God’s dynamic healing message in the life of the end-time Church! In future blogs I will be unpacking what this might mean.

With love and prayers that the joy of Jesus will fill your home as you celebrate and give thanks for His first coming and look expectantly at the spiritual skies, waiting for the first streaks of eternal dawn – Yes, He is coming again – and soon!

Peter and Fi

Christmas and New Year Greetings to you all


  1. Dear Peter
    Thank you for your message, specially for the linked one that encourage so much! I had listened for a couple of times during my Christmas break, and down loaded the App of Daily Light, which enrich and widen my heart. I think that it has been accompanied you since 1979, and it will also lead me to a spacious place ! Thank you for all words!

  2. Dear Peter, thank you for this very encouraging message which does echos in my heart. Be ready, keep waiting and expectant of what the Spirit guides me will be my 2023 direction and pursuit. Looking forward to your future blog posting ! May you & Fiona & family have a very blessed and fulfilling 2023 ahead.

  3. Dear Peter

    Thank you for sharing such infectious excitement from your spirit, with which I totally concur. I guess this wonderfully inspiring message is a reflection of what you would have shared during the planned weekend at The Grange, entitled GREAT EXPECTATIONS, from 18 – 20 November. I am so pleased, it would appear, you have completely recovered from the virus that assailed you – and trust you recovered in time to celebrate your 79th birthday!

    Are you re-scheduling GREAT EXPECTATIONS?

    Sending you, Fiona and all the Ellel Family much love and richest blessings now and for the days ahead.

    Dinah (Sheriff) 🙏

  4. Greetings! Immanuel love & praying 🙏🏻 P&F and all the family as you march for ward for such a time as this, even so come Lord Jesus. Shalom

  5. Never has there been a more timely address. I have been ‘reinstated’ by the Lord, but have still felt very guilty about past sins. I used to think it was the enemy, but after your talk feel it may have been the Holy Spirit convicting me. My husband now has dementia or we would be going again to Ellel Ministries. I have explained about the oil, but he cannot now understand. We have been to Ellel Grange in the 90s and more recently to Pierrepont to several courses. We have also been to one at Glyndley.
    Lyn Bristow

  6. Thanks Peter. The second coming is imminent, agreed, but I believe that humanity expanding across the universe is also imminent, from Psalm eight. If you note that ‘the work of your fingers’ and ‘the work of your hands’ mentioned there are one and the same, then the implication is that humans will one day have the stars under our feet. It’s this thought that inspired my creative writing about the future. Fun!

  7. Amen and Amen Peter.
    MARANATHA. Return SOON/QUICKLY, Lord Jesus Christ, like a “Thief in the night,” to “snatch up” TRUE believers from the “Four corners of the World,” so they may “Be with You Forevermore,” whilst returning with You, as the “Rider on the White Horse” of Revelation 19, dressed in the fine, white linen of Your saints, and riding white horses behind Yours, as You “Trample out the winepress of the Furious Wrath of God the Father,” and “smite the nations with the sharp double-edged Sword in Your Mouth,” before “Ruling them with a Rod of Iron.” Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!

  8. Great message Peter, it endorses what the lord showed me ,to return to Ellel,he took the 3LLL of Ellel and showed me Love,Light of Truth and Liberty. Those bound in grave cloths, To hear the Truth and live the Spirit filled life here on earth. His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, he showed me a picture of a Victorian man walking the dark streets of London and lighting the gas lamps, it is time to carry the light of the Gospel out onto the dark streets of our cities,towns,and villages. He also reminded me of Matt Monroes song, Born Free, a lion cub not returned into captivity ,but into Freedom. Thankyou for your message of encouragement.God Bless you Peter.

  9. Thank you so much Peter for your message.We were filled with the Holy Spirit powerfully when David Watson did a renewal weekend at St.Ts but laterally I don’t feel the Holy Spirit’s guidance as I used to but my whole life is lived for I trust the oil in my lamp will be full when our Lord returns!

  10. DEAR PETER , You have been an inspiration to me for years. I share your feelings about the 2nd Advent. I am moved to send you how the Spirit taught me, from the word ‘returned’ in the parable of the 10 virgins that the Holy Communion Cup is the Lord’s engagement ring and promise to come back for His bride. I can’t send you the study because your e-mail is no reply and i’m not clever enough to put it on here. There are many texts and other things which convince me the time is short, no space here but Dr. Jonathan Oloyede has been told to prepare the way for the coming of the Father’s Son. It sounded so much like what was said to John Baptist that I feel it has to be in Jonathan’s lifetime. Such a lovely man! Anyway I’m now 90 and have been given a stroke by an NHS test. The Lord was so present with me that I still do not understand it but I have His peace with my now limited life. I’m sure there is a purpose which may become clear.
    I would like to share ,too, that He has showed me the Holy Trinity is a corporate personality like a hive of bees is one animal but I’m too tired now . Love and may God bless you both, Frances

  11. Thank you Peter
    You are always a blessing to so many. Thank you for the message and pray that we are all ready for our Lords return.

    Blessings and Peace to all at Ellel Miniseries and your families.

  12. Very powerful message, Peter.

    We sang the song you referred to many times at my CU at my university when I was in the first year: 1978, but I hadn’t realised the story behind it.

    Hope you have a good Christmas.

    Blessings, Sarah.

  13. This is so beautiful! Thankyou for sharing this! The message of ‘Proclaiming the Kingdom’ is one that has been showing up more and more through different voices (whether on the radio randomly or through other voices). I love this.

  14. My greetings and love to you Peter and all.

    You have greatly impacted in my life. I start schools and serve to 1000s people healing and deliverance. I am so grateful to you and the whole staff.

    I keep serving.

    My great blessings to you and all.

    Love you all.

    Ashot Stepanyan

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