Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes under the sea. When the geological foundations of the world shift suddenly, waves of unstoppable power are the result. People playing on the beaches, unaware of what’s happening and ignorant of any warnings, are suddenly and catastrophically swept away.
Right now, we see many warning signs that the spiritual foundations of the world are shifting radically and a spiritual tsunami will be the result. I cannot remain silent about the dangers of being caught unaware and unprepared. The antichrist spirit works in darkness and stealth, but is now blatantly covering the earth in unimaginable spiritual darkness. Across my life time, I have witnessed how world events and the decline in western churches have slowly come into line with a number of significant prophetic words, which go back to the beginning of my ministry, back in 1986.
Many, today, are talking about the clock on ‘God’s prophetic timeline’ being at one minute to midnight, underlining the urgency on God’s heart to reach the lost and to welcome, teach and heal as Jesus did. Another prophetic word described the urgency from the point of view of believers, unaware of the dangers and playing happily on spiritual beaches, ignorant of what is really happening in the world as the forces of a spiritual tsunami were gaining momentum.
We are warned very clearly in Scripture not to be “ignorant of the enemy’s devices”(2 Cor. 2:11). Jesus is clear as to the nature and intent of the enemy (John 8:44), that he is a murderer, a thief, a deceiver with no truth in him. He parades as a false father and trades in deception and the souls of man. Scripture also tells us the enemy prowls like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).
Although these are things that we may not want to hear, I don’t want to face the Lord being guilty of not warning, in every way I can, that we are living in days of the increase of darkness and that God’ people need to urgently prepare themselves. Jesus saw the coming darkness and He asked the question which is becoming ever more relevant as each day passes for us, “when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).
The days we are living in mean we must respond accordingly. The modus operandi of days gone by are over. We cannot afford to spend our time, just going through the motions of religious routines. At the very least, there must be a call to urgent prayer and action, to engage in that which is of eternal value and not just the temporal.
Nevertheless, the days we are living through are fertile ground for the gospel. For this is a confused, hurting and seeking world, where the light of the gospel is desperately needed. And I believe God intends the believing church to be mounting urgent rescue plans, in an increasingly godless world, for those who don’t know there is a Saviour who saves, heals and delivers.
Scripture tells us that it is the ones who receive the Messiah’s welcome, teaching and healing who will become ‘the oaks of righteousness’, displaying the ‘splendour of the Lord’ to a desperately needy world (Isaiah 61:1-3). These are the ones who have a story to tell, not just a spiritual theory to test, and they cannot be shut up! Only very recently Jill Southern spoke on healing at her local church. A man with a lifelong disability listened intently and God touched him as she spoke. He was completely healed and now he can’t stop telling people what God has done!
Their message will go into the highways and the byways. The enemy hates it when the hearts of people fall in love with Jesus, because ‘He touched them’. This move of God, through the saving, healing power of Jesus will lead many out of the coming darkness into the light of Jesus, which overcomes the darkness.
God’s intention is that the church of God, His family, will be manning places of rescue – places where the transformation of lives which have allowed Jesus into their mess, prompts spontaneous worship and praise.
God’s Helpmeet
Very recently I was deeply impacted by a personal dream, or was it a vision, of how Jesus, the Bridegroom, sees the Church, His Bride. I saw how God created Eve, out of Adam, to be his helpmeet and how God established the Church to be the ‘helpmeet’ of Jesus, the Bridegroom! One day, as prophesied in Revelation, there will be a glorious celebration as the Bridegroom’s completed helpmeet (the true Church) celebrates what Scripture describes as ‘The Marriage Supper of the Lamb’ (Rev. 19:6-9).
And right now we, as the Bride, are to be His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece, His heart for a broken generation, in a time such as this. The Church, the fellowship of believers known as the Body of Christ, has a job to do, even as the tsunami approaches. And as with all jobs, it comes with a job description! We are the Saviour’s helpmeet – here to continue the work that Jesus began, to help Him with the task of seeking the lost and bringing in the harvest before His return in glory.
We dare not play around on spiritual beaches – there is a tsunami coming. The day of the Lord is at hand and there are multitudes in the valley of decision (Joel 3:14). Yes, He has provided a home in Heaven (John 14:1-6) for each of us who believes and trusts in Him, but we are still on a journey towards that destination and there is work still to be done here on Earth! We must not ignore the call of Jesus to follow Him.
When I first stood down from the leadership of Ellel Ministries, I thought that my overtly pioneering days were over. However, the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29) and God’s ways are not our ways. So I now find myself fully committed to serving again in pioneering leadership for Gates of Hope International, with a wider brief for the Kingdom than ever before.
I believe that the most testing, most challenging and, yet, most fruitful days for the Body of Christ are at hand. Just as, in the earliest days of the church, when the supernatural power of God endorsed the teaching of the Word of God, I am expecting that the supernatural power of God will today bring hope and healing to those desperate for a touch from the living God, and open their eyes to Kingdom truth. Just like the woman with the issue of blood, who stretched out her hand to touch the hem of Jesus’s garment.
There are many gates of opportunity that God is opening up for His people to go through in these extraordinary and very testing times. Let’s get into prayer and action, and be serious about being a helpmeet to Jesus, the Bridegroom of the Church.
It’s not about being busier, but being more strategic with the use of our talents, resources and time – spending them where they will produce eternal fruit in the business of the kingdom. We can all ask the Lord for ways in which we can serve and reach out with His message of HOPE.
A new website about the work of Gates of Hope International (GOHI) will soon be launched – watch this space!
Copyright © Peter Horrobin 2024.
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As a Pioneer, , dear Peter,
For Gates Of Hope International,
Be strong and courageous.! ????????
Yes, sir and yes to God. Amen ! Thank you for the message Peter. Bless you, pray that God continues to use you mightily as His pioneering voice to His church. In Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you for this message. We are living in dark times and with all we see around us and how even the church has changed it is easy to get dicouraged . Your post has encouraged me to continue and to perservere. It is a privalage for us to be here in a time like this to be the ” helpmeet” of Jesus ! Its actually exciting !! Thank you for these precious pearls that spark up my spirit.
Hi Peter,
The Lord gave a prophetic word that I shared at Ellel Scotland in 2012 on an OB. The word was that he was going to pour out His Spirit in these last days and that the greatest harvest of all time would come to pass, and that it would come in the midst of great trouble. I look forward to hearing what God is showing about Gates of Hope.
Love and Blessings to You All
Tom Richters
Pretoria, 9th March 2024
Dear Peter, thanks so much. You have spread hope across the globe for a life time, including in my home country South Africa. How wonderful, that this is now your end time ministry. When I recently heard that the OM ship, Logos Hope, would sail our shores from east to west during the critical months running up to our elections in May 2024,
I received a fresh hope. I saw the ship as a beacon of light, connecting prayers across a whole nation. Your prophetic call to a weary church is so vital. May it be a wake-up call across a whole globe (Isaiah 40:31). Thank God that He has granted us another moment of time.
Eberhard Braune
Thank you Peter. This is eye opening if we haven’t yet thought of it. Please God show us your true way before the tsunami.
Peter, thank you very very much for sharing the vision given to you by our LORD and KING.
I am extremely encouraged and excited!!
For a while now, whilst considering the extreme lawlessness and Godlessness in our land and across the whole earth, I have been saying, “Worse than in the days of Noah”. Knowledge and technology have provided the vehicle for mankind to journey on the downward spiral of depravity, moving further and further away from our LORD’s desire for mankind.
“Sovereign LORD, with Your cords of loving-kindness, please draw us, Your Church, ever closer to Yourself. Please reign in our hearts and minds as we choose to be led by You, in trust and
obedience, ready to do Your will. Work Your Wonders LORD, for all to see
and experience!!”
Count me in!
Wow! Serious business! Thank you Peter. Expressed so clearly and passionately…..many of us have been amazed at the sudden waves of extreme darkness enveloping so much of life….Lord please use your people to shine for your glory in the church and the world! Where we are sleepy Lord please provoke us and give us the courage to stand against the tide in an increasingly hostile world.
Joy B
The enemy is closing in on those of us who believe that the Bible is the unchanging and authoritative Word of God. Very soon, we will be called upon to stand for the truth, – as some already have – but we must be willing to face the consequences. Help us LORD to love and obey your Word. You have said that Heaven and Earth would pass away, but your Word would remain.
Thank you so much, Peter. It confirms the truth of where we are at.
This hits the nail on the head. Thank you for the seriousness of our situation together with your pearls of wisdom. ????????????????