Eye-Opening Truths!

Psalm 119:18-20, NIV
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me. My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.

I have just bought myself a new Bible. For one reason I am beginning to find that the small print of my present Bible is something of a challenge when preaching – so the larger print version is a great help. But there is another reason also, my present Bible is now so well marked that I am sensing it is time to start again on a new adventure with God and His Word.

For me, getting a new Bible is scary, for I wonder how I will cope without all the familiar and well-loved markings I read and use so often. But then, it’s also got to the stage where there are so many markings that these are what get my attention and I’m in danger of missing other precious truths contained in the unmarked verses!

So, I’m praying the prayer of the psalmist and asking God to open my eyes afresh, so that as I read my new Bible He will open my eyes to new aspects of the wonderful truths He has hidden in His Word. For, as the psalmist says, we are strangers on earth – we are living in a world that has been sold out to the devil and for the time being we live, move and have our being in his domain. As God’s people we are not in tune with the ungodly objectives that consume so much of our fallen world. We are desperately in need of His revelation and truth.

It is into this world that God has come – with both His written Word (the Bible) and His Son – the living Word, who became flesh (John 1:1-5). With His written Word to guide us in the laws of God and the living Word to redeem us from the hand of the enemy, we are a very privileged people. If only the leaders of our nations (and even God’s people) were as consumed with wanting to live according to the laws of God as the psalmist was!

Prayer: Help me Lord, as I read your Word, to see the things that you have hidden there for our benefit and blessing, and live according to your laws. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Life According to the Book – Teaching CD

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