Proverbs 29:18, NIV
“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.”
Without restraints being in place there is danger. This is true in many areas of life. We have recently had much heavy rain in the UK. Some areas of the country have been subject to severe flooding and people have even died when the flood waters became a raging torrent. A river is a wonderful blessing when it is contained within the restraint of its banks, but once the restraint has been breached the water goes everywhere, people’s homes are flooded out and there is danger. Restraints make the river safe.
The laws of God are meant to act as a restraint on our behaviour. But if people have no understanding that God’s law is designed by God to keep them safe, then there is no restriction on their behaviour. As I write this devotional, the newspapers are full of news of the tragic death of one of Britain’s richest women – she had everything she could possibly have wanted. Her house was said to have been worth seventy million pounds. But she and her husband had lived a life without restraint, addicted to drugs. Her life ended at a tragically early age. If only she had learned to live her life according to the revelation of truth that there is in the Word of God.
When we choose to respect that God’s Word truly is a revelation from God himself, and begin to walk in His ways, we lay down a foundation of blessing – not only for our own lives, but also for the lives of our children and grand-children. When we gladly live within those restraints we find ourselves constantly discovering the many blessings God wants us to enjoy as His children.
But because we have freewill, people find it tempting to laugh at those restraints and choose to live life in their own way. But we will eventually discover that there is a law of sowing and reaping – and it’s only good seed that produces a good crop. If you need convincing about the blessings that come to those who keep God’s laws, then I suggest you spend a quiet hour reading Psalm 119. Just as the Highway Code is the blue-print for safe driving, Psalm 119 is the Highway Code for God-blessed living!
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that you loved us enough to show us how restraints can be a source of blessing in our lives. Help me, Lord, to welcome the application of your laws in my life. In jesus’s Name, Amen.