The Purposes of God – for YOU!

Ephesians 2:10, NIV
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

I love making things and have made many different things in my life – ranging from book shelves to toys. I learnt the art of making things from my Dad, who clearly enjoyed making things for different members of the family. Every Christmas he would present Mum with a new piece of furniture which he had lovingly made. The joy of creating things for a purpose – things which we have thought about, designed and then completed is very deep-seated in the heart of man.

The reason why we get such joy out of making things like this is because, as God’s children, we are a direct reflection of our Heavenly Father – the ultimate Creator. God is good and, therefore, as God’s workmanship, we are also designed to do good works. Our salvation comes through faith – but as redeemed sinners we now have a new nature, and from this comes the desire to do good works.

And just as when we make things, we create them to fulfil a purpose, God has given each one of us a purpose to live for. It is as we follow Him, day by day, that we gradually discover the good works that He has created us to fulfil – the things that he prepared for us in advance. This advance preparation is an expression of God’s wonderful providence. He has gifted each of us with different desires, gifts and abilities so that we can uniquely fulfil the purposes that He has laid before us and know the joy of walking in our destiny.

There are no exceptions – God has created each and every one of us for a purpose and today we can each rejoice in the amazing blessing of knowing that the deepest joy of our lives will be experienced as we discover and do those good things God has prepared for us.

Prayer: Thank You for Your amazing love and for preparing good things for me to enjoy doing. Help me to discover the gifts you have given me so that I can use them to Your glory. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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