Whose Plans Are You Following?

Psalm 146:3-4, NIV
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground on that very day their plans come to nothing.

It’s a sad but true fact, that all plans that have their origin in man come to an end when the life of the planner comes to an end. So the psalmist encourages us not to put our trust in men who cannot save us.

So, if even princes can’t be trusted, who can we trust? Well, when you look at the plans of God that unfolded throughout the Old Testament and then into the New, we see that God’s plans were continued from one generation to the next. Prophecies spoken about Jesus were fulfilled. Those visions that had their origin in God and not man did not die, but were taken up in a sort of spiritual relay race down the centuries. One person after another took up the baton of faith and continued to fulfil the purposes of God. Take a look at Hebrews chapter 11.

There is an important lesson for us here at a personal level. If we are following our own plans for our lives, then their potential will be limited. But if we are following God’s plans and walking forward in the vision that comes from Him, then we can be absolutely sure that nothing of what we do for the Kingdom in this way will ever be wasted. What we achieve for Him will build on what others have done and in time others will build on what we do.

So, be encouraged, listen carefully to the heart of God and measure His heartbeats against your own – are they in tune with each other? If they are, never fear, you are building for eternity and not just for time and one day the treasure you have laid down will be waiting for you.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to walk in your ways and to listen to your voice. I want my life to be lived in the plans that have their origin in you and not to waste my life doing things with no future! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Ellel 365 – New Online Training School

The Parables of Harris – Book by Peter and Fiona Horrobin

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