“Tell Archippus: See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.”
Colossians 4:18, NIV
Some of the seemingly insignificant little verses in Scripture contain profound truths and lessons for life. Today’s Scripture is one of them. We know very little about Archippus, although his name means ‘trainer of horses’. But we do know that he was called to do a specific work for the Lord – and the implication of Paul’s comment is that he was in danger of not completing the task.
When God speaks vision into a person’s life and gives them a calling, it is undoubtedly easier to start the work than to complete the journey of faith. The simple fact is that obedience to the Lord attracts the attention of the enemy of souls. And when he sees that we are serious about doing God’s work then he begins to take note of what we are doing and plans to oppose it in every possible way.
Paul was very much aware of the activities of Satan and his Kingdom and encouraged believers to wear spiritual armour so that they would be able to stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11). A real work of God will require persistence and endurance and, also, a willingness to keep pressing on, even when the opposition and difficulties mount. A partially completed work is never enough.
By way of example, a local authority may go 95% of the way towards building and equipping a new hospital. But if they have no money to recruit any doctors or nurses to run it, it is a redundant building which, even though it may have cost a lot of money, has no value whatsoever to the community. It is that final 5% which makes the whole project worth doing.
It was the final act of Jesus’s life, his sacrifice on the cross, which made sense of the whole of His life. Hebrews describes Jesus as “the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Because Jesus finished the task that Father God had given Him to do His destiny was fulfilled. Jesus was the most amazing example of a completer-finisher. Hebrews urges us to look to Jesus, follow His example and walk in his steps.
So, if there is something that you know God has given you to do, keep going. Persevere and complete the task. It is that final stage of the journey which will result in the greatest blessing and fruit.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that You love us enough to share with us your visions for our lives. Forgive me, Lord, for times when I have given up because the going has seemed too tough. Help me, Lord, to persevere so that You will be blessed by the completion of the things you have given me to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.