Psalm 20:7 & 8, NIV
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
The world financial markets are in meltdown. Banks are being propped up with massive amounts of government funds. There is even talk of governments going bankrupt. People’s lifetime savings are at risk. Insecurity and fear have become the ruling spirits of politics and business. What we see happening around us is unprecedented in our lifetime. Every day seems to be worse than the next. We cannot watch the television news without wondering what greater disaster might be lying round the next corner.
In the United States we are just weeks away from a new President. Whoever wins will bring change at the top and no-one knows how the new incumbent of the White House will react to the developing situation and what further changes they will bring. The institutions and governments on which the world has depended are now distinctly unstable.
It is in times like that this that we need to know that our eternal security is not in the uncertain treasures of the world’s currencies, but in the name of the one who is above all temporal powers and whose treasure is of eternal value. When the “horses” of the world’s systems are brought to their knees we can still be at peace, confident that whatever happens in this world is not a surprise to God and not a reason to lose faith or let fear control our hearts.
Yes, these are tough and challenging times and the enemy of souls will seek to use his weapon of fear to shake the confidence of believers. Whatever happens, don’t let him rob you of your peace in God and be encouraged by our Scripture today to rise up, stand firm knowing that God is still on the throne of the universe and we can trust Him.
Prayer: We pray today that in the midst of the world’s confusion and even despair, God’s people will continue to put their trust in the living God. Also, that those who do not know Him will turn from their fear and insecurity and run to the only One who can be trusted and depended on for both time and eternity. In Jesus, Amen.